AV News — apple wine

Local Wine Highlight: Apple Wine

Local Wine Highlight: Apple Wine

The Aubrey Vineyards Apple Wine is a hit this time of year.

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Bottling Day at Aubrey Vineyards

Bottling Day at Aubrey Vineyards

Gearing up for a beautiful spring season, we bottled some fresh new wines on March 9.

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Aubrey Vineyards Apple Wine

Aubrey Vineyards Apple Wine

Local Apple Wine from Aubrey Vineyards

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2014 Apple Wine and Pork Shawarma Wrap

The wine and recipe of the week is Apple Wine and Pork Shawarma wraps. The 2014 Apple wine is very refreshing and crisp. It is made from pure fermented apple juice. The finish of this wine has a tartness reminiscent of the peel of an apple. It pairs well with dishes of rich and tangy flavors. For example, baby back ribs, turkey burgers, parmesan risotto, and pork shawarma wraps. Shawarma is a turkish dish usually of pork, beef, chicken, lamb, etc. It is marinated for 24 hours then slowly roasted on a rotating vertical spit. Pork Shawarma recipe: 1 Boneless...

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