1. Do you allow pets?

No pets are allowed on the property.

2. Do you allow outside food and drinks?

Outside food and drinks are prohibited.

3. Can I bring my children?

Yes, underage guests are allowed, including children.

4. Do you serve food at The Vineyard Tasting Room?

A variety of charcuterie-style snacks are available at The Vineyard, including meats, cheeses, olives and crackers. There are a couple sweet treat options as well.

5. Do you sell non-alcoholic beverages?

Yes, the tasting room offers Coke products, as well as bottled and sparkling water.

6. How long are reservation times?

Reservations are for 2 hours beginning at your reservation time.

7. Do you have live music or food trucks?

The Vineyard Tasting Room offers live music every Thursday from 5:30-7:30pm! Food trucks and other pop-ups are available at special events throughout the season.

8. Where did the name “Aubrey” come from?

The vineyard property was purchased in Aubry Township, which was originally named after a French-Canadian trail rider, François Aubry.